Ustaad Bhagat Singh Music Sittings Begin with Blockbuster duo Harish Shankar and Devi Sri Prasad
The much-awaited music sittings for Pawan Kalyan starrer Ustaad Bhagat Singh have officially begun, and the blockbuster combo of director Harish Shankar and music director Devi Sri Prasad are back together. After delivering the chart-topping music for Gabbar Singh, the duo is all set to create another unforgettable album with Ustaad Bhagat Singh.
Fans of Pawan Kalyan and DSP can expect foot-tapping, heart-pumping music from the composer, as he creates magic with his tunes. The music sittings kicked off today, and the team is already hard at work to deliver a memorable soundtrack that will leave audiences humming long after they leave the theatres.
To mark the occasion, the team released a special video showcasing the jam session that marked the beginning of the music sittings. Fans can catch a glimpse of the magic in the making and get a sneak peek at what to expect from the film's music. It’s joyful to see Harish Shankar and Devi Sri Prasad shifting different locations to get into the groove and hit a rhythm with their discussions.
Ustaad Bhagat Singh brings back the powerful combo of Pawan Kalyan and Harish Shankar. They are joining hands once again for a mass entertainer titled Ustaad Bhagat Singh. The movie is being produced by Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar under the prestigious Telugu banner Mythri Movie Makers. Sreeleela has been roped in to play the female lead in this film.
The film recently wrapped up its first schedule of shoot, and the stunning posters featuring Pawan Kalyan in his effortlessly stylish avatar have already won over his fans. The movie promises to be a grand affair, with its lavish scale and a story that has all the right ingredients to leave audiences in awe.
Ustaad Bhagat Singh features an ensemble cast, including Ashutosh Rana, Gauthami, Naga Mahesh, and Temper Vamsi in pivotal roles. The movie boasts of a top-notch technical team comprising of cinematographer Ayananka Bose, art director Anand Sai, and editor Chota K Prasad, among others.
Stay tuned for more ROCKING updates from the team behind Ustaad Bhagat Singh. The excitement is building, and the team is all set to deliver another blockbuster album.
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